DVV Clarification NAAC - Criteria 1-7
' To achieve excellence in providing quality education for creating a knowledge community.'

Criteria 1 - Curricular Aspects
1.1 Curriculum Design and Development
1.2 Academic Flexibility
1.2.2 Number of Add on /Certificate programs offered during the last five years
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

Criteria 2- Teaching- Learning and Evaluation
2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile
2.1.1 Average Enrolment percentage (Average of last five years)
2.2. Catering to Student Diversity
2.2.2 Student- Full time teacher ratio Data for the latest completed academic year
2.3. Teaching- Learning Process
2.3.3 Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 Average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years
Sanctioned Posts
2.4.2 Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph. D.
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
2.6.3 Average pass percentage of Students during last five years

Criteria 3- Research, Innovations and Extension
3.1- Resource Mobilization for Research
3.1.2 Percentage of teachers recognized as research guides (latest completed academic year)
3.2- Innovation Ecosystem
3.3- Research Publication and Awards
3.3.1 Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the last five years
3.4 – Extension Activities
3.5 Collaboration

Criterion 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1 Physical Facilities
4.2 Library as a learning Resource
4.2.2 The institution has subscription for the following e-resources
4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)

Criterion 5- Student Support and Progression
5.1 Student Support
5.2 Student Progression
5.2.1 Average percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years
5.2.2 Average percentage of students progressing to higher education during the last five years
5.3 Student Participation and Activities

Criterion 6- Governance, Leadership and Management
6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment
6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation
6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
6.5.3 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include

Criterion VII – Institutional Values and Best Practices
7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
7.1.4 Water conservation facilities available in the Institution
7.1.5 Green campus initiatives
7.1.6 Quality audits on environment and energy
7.1.7 The Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier free environment